29 Reasons Why I Love Jenny

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE BEST FRIEND A GIRL COULD ASK FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In celebration of her 29th year on Earth, I present 29 REASONS WHY I LOVE JENNY:

1. She will watch ANY movie. And when I say any…I mean any.

2. Even though she’ll watch any movie, she has pretty good taste in movies. No lie. And she owns them all.

3. She throws a mean party. Amazing food, great themes, good times.

4. She’s the Garth to my Wayne.

Party on.

5. She’s had bangs almost as bad as mine.

6. I can text her from my office.

7. She lets me sleep on her floor at a moment’s notice.

8. She’s almost as awesome of an aunt as me.

9. She introduced me the color purple. As in the hue, not the movie or book or whatever with Oprah.

10. Have you seen her eyes? Yowza!

11. She has the most adorable laugh.

12. She loves the Eiffel Tower.

13. She makes a mean chicken wing.

14. She’s up for any concert and has attended many with me.

Kelly Clarkson concert. Or wait...Gwen Stefani? No Doubt? There have been so many!

15. She turns wax drips into art.

16. Jenny will listen to me any time I call, even if I go on and on about something she has already heard me go on and on about.

17. She follows me on Twitter.

18. She went to LA with me and we didn’t even want to kill each other.

Fun in LA 🙂

19. She has t-rex arms.

20. She makes a sexy Paul Stanley.

Halloween 09

21. She promises to grow old with me and have McDonald lunch dates.

Us in 50 years...

22. Her taste in music is even better than her taste in movies.

23. She gives the wisest advice regarding my love life from any of my friends.

24. She dispenses said advice and doesn’t judge when I don’t listen to her.

25. She makes kick butt concert tees.

Yeah, we aiked for Clay. Whatev.

26. She’s always down for an adventure.

27. Jenny always has a kind word to say about anyone.

28. She rocks the hair poof like none other.

29. It’s hard telling what is more beautiful, her inside or outside. She is the kindest, sweetest, most genuine friend I have and have no idea what I would do without her. I love you Jennifer Ann!

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